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CoreXY printer

The [stepper] sections requires the following parameters to be set:

  • step_distance: defines the length in mm of a single step. If you are unsure check the Klipper FAQ
  • position_endstop: distance (in mm) between the nozzle and the bed when the nozzle is centred and touching the bed
  • dir_pin: Specifies the stepper direction. The stepper motors direction depends on your printer configuration. The direction can be inverted adding “!” in front of the pin name. For instance, stepper_a is inverted by configuring the dir_pin to !PA6
step_distance: .0125
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 200
dir_pin: !PB5

step_distance: .0125
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 200
dir_pin: PA15

step_distance: .000625
position_endstop: 0
position_max: 200
dir_pin: !PB12

The [printer] section that you will find in your configuration file if you have selected the CoreXY file. The default values should work on every machine, but can very well be adjusted:

  • max_velocity, max_accel: define the performance of the X and Y moves (in mm/s and mm/s2)
  • max_z_velocity: define the performance of the Z moves (in mm/s)
  • delta_radius: projection of the diagonal rod onto the XY plane, when the effector is centred (in mm)
kinematics: corexy
max_velocity: 500
max_accel: 1000
max_z_velocity: 25
max_z_accel: 30